Procuring Pugsley

More often than not in my motoring life, a variety of scenarios conspire to lead me ever deeper into the chasm of hopeless acquisition of unneeded motor vehicles.

Sunday was one of those days.

For a month and 2 days since the 316 e30 departed, I had managed to avoid buying another vehicle, and lavished some long overdue attention on the CX, Vectra and 320i. However, despite such cold turkey successes, the dark spectre of bargainatious cars loomed ever present..

Firstly, whilst clearing out our small unit, I had to move 60 odd litres of filtered WVO about the place, and started to lament the lack of an oldschool Diesel to run on it. I’d previously had success with the Lucas pumped VW Polo, running up to 75% veg in warm weather.

Secondly, I’d previously had a good long drive in a Peugeot 205 1.8d I delivered to Aberdeen, and been mightily impressed.

Thirdly, the Burd and I were due to pop to Nottingham to visit some friends.

Lastly, a compus mentis vendor had a Pug 205 1.8d for sale on Retro Rides, not 60 miles from Nottingham.

Fait accompli as they say en France..

We went to Nottingham on Friday afternoon and spent a most pleasant day and a half with friends – its always good to catch up, plus I find that spending out on some decent hotels and meals softens the blows from the Burd when I float the idea of ANOTHER car..

We start the trip at Woolley Edge services on the M1


Luckily no Woolley Head at Woolley Edge..

This was a brief stop to let the vendor know we were but 20 mins away, allowing him to abandon his house move, and head to meet us. I was grateful for him taking the time out to allow me to collect Pugsley (so the vendor suggested) – made the whole process much easier.


I am XUD, Hear me RRRoar!

Initial inspection showed what looked to be a solid, honest little car – 107k miles, 3 owners from new and MOT til November. All the useful things worked- meaning I’d have a full compliment of lights/horn and wipers for the long schlep North.

Without even a test drive, I paid my money and set off for home. First stop was the Petrol station, where both the Vectra and the 205 received a tankful.


Such Executive, many thrust

Astonishingly, two full tanks was about £93, and the Vectra returned an almost unreal 42.45mpg. All this fuel sipping was done at 70mph, with scant regard for fuel saving- the 2.2 lump really does well on long cruises.

From there on, we had a quiet cruise almost all the way home. The last 10 miles saw 3 idiots attempt ridiculous maneuvers including undertaking, attempting to cut across 3 lanes and an inability to enure that vehicles had been passed before heading back over to the left hand lane.

We survived unscathed but tired. Time to park her up and get some sleep on.


I don’t think I trust the fuel gauge yet – saying 1/4 tank used, 243 miles covered

So what have I bought?

Its a 1994 205 with the 1.8 na XUD indirect injection diesel in it with 59 Hp and 110 lb⋅ft of torque.


Nae boost, just CLAG

Its a 3dr shell, and is the Mardi Gras level of trim. This gets you such delights as

Keep Fit windows,

“Stretch to Adjust” wing mirrors and

Central locking because you can reach both doors from the Driver’s seat.

It weighs in at 880kg, so if a nimble little thing, despite the pig iron lump up front. It’s also a 3 dr shell (or 2dr plus Hatch, depending on who you believe) so is not as awkwardly proportioned as the 5dr.

Additionally, it has a Power Steering reservoir at the front of the engine bay, suggesting that it has finger light shuftying capability – despite this, the steering still has decent feel and weight.

Bodily, it is in remarkably good shape, as you can see.

There are a couple of rust blebs on the Tailgate, but all in all it looks to be in great external condition

The interior is in great shape, with only an exploded gearknob letting the side down -it even responded well to a quick but thorough clean


Before and after on the steering wheel. It feels nicer now..

The current plan is to press it into daily service, sharing commuting duties with the 320i. Additionally it’ll make an ideal fuel supper for the long runs to the unit where the CX is billeted


I’ll update more in short order once I’ve had a good look over her..


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